It's Not About How Much You Make, It's About How Much You Keep

Let's focus on YOUR bottom line.

Your tax savings choices dwindle as the year comes to a close.

Book a meeting to learn about which tax savings choices may be relevant to your unique situation before it's too late.

Did You Know?

Common Misperceptions Around Taxes

Taxes, or at least the amount of taxes you pay, are not as inevitable as the IRS would have you believe.

You are actually in control, and can make the choice to reduce your taxable income. By working with us, we'll help make it easy to choose the right tax savings choices that work for YOU.


Use Them, Why Aren't You?

The top 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal income tax rate of just 8.2%. How much did you pay?

We can help you understand which sophisticated tax strategies, previously reserved for the ultra wealthy, are also available to YOU.

The Whole is

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

When you utilize smart tax savings strategies, you save money on your taxes, preserve your wealth, and open the door to growing your wealth.


We can help you with this tax equation. Do you want your money working for the government or for YOU?

I'm ready to unlock the secrets of tax strategies for wealth preservation & creation.

About Michelle Ford

As a tax-deferral consultant with over 25 years working with high income earners and wealthy individuals and families, Michelle Ford provides specialized tax planning and strategy services while also working in tandem with her client's CPAs.

Michelle earned her Bachelor of Applied Science in Property Economics in Australia, which provided a solid background in all facets of property economics. This further enriches her work because it allows her to understand and communicate effectively with property owners and investors. She brings a unique perspective and intimate knowledge of real estate that allows her to evaluate and distinguish the multiple tax deferral and mitigation strategies for property developers and investors. In other words, she speaks your language.

Michelle also has extensive experience in financial planning and wealth management, where she offers a boutique style with a concierge-level of engagement. She is a Certified Financial Planner™, a Certified Tax Specialist™, and a Certified Estate & Trust Specialist™. Her extensive knowledge is a testament to her ongoing commitment to education and learning. She has an unwavering commitment to learning and staying at the forefront of industry topics and trends.

Michelle utilizes a combination of tools and strategies when you schedule an appointment. She will take the time to understand your unique situation and educate you on the tax savings choices most applicable to you. A fun fact about Michelle, she started doing her own taxes at and reading the Australian tax code at 16. This is not just a career for her, it is a passion!

I want to find out more about tax reduction and deferral strategies.

Don't Delay &

Start Saving Today

Your tax savings choices dwindle as the year comes to a close.

Book a meeting to learn about which tax savings choices may be relevant to your unique situation before it's too late.

I'm ready to focus on my bottom line.

We work with high and ultra-high earning real estate brokers in the greater Manhattan area.

Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities or advisory services. LifeLong Retirement Corp's website and its associated links offer news, commentary, and generalized research, not personalized investment advice. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to state or imply that past performance is an indication of future performance. All investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to consult with a tax professional before implementing any investment strategy. Investment Advisory services offered through LifeLong Retirement Corp, a Pennsylvania & New Jersey State Registered Investment Adviser. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.
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